Vegetable sandwiches – a Mumbai street food classic

Mumbai veg sandwiches - geschnitten auf einem Küchenbrett - Mumbai vegetable sandwiches - cut on a chopping board

One of Mumbai’s most common street foods: veg Sandwiches. Very easy to make, easy to source ingredients and a very light and healthy snack.

Simple to make, a very authentic Mumbai snack that doesn’t require any fancy ingredients, just chaat masala that you easily get on Amazon or in any Indian store. And the black salt in the green chutney recipe can be replaced by regular salt.

Typische Szene in Mumbai am Abend: mehrere Streetfood- (Chaat-) Händler nebeneinander mit Kunden - typical scene in Mumbai in the evening: three streetfood vendors (chaatwalas) next to each other with their customers
Typical evening scenery in Mumbai

There are surprisingly big differences in the quality of sandwiches on the street, given it’s not a complicated recipe. A major factor is that the ingredients are slices thin.

And often overlooked: the order of the ingredients on a sandwich. Which is why the below recipe has the exact order of my favorite Mumbai vegetable sandwich. Of course, experiment a bit to your liking. Also other variations exist, especially ones that are toasted in a sandwich maker. But this here is my favorite.

My favorite chaatwala for Mumbai veg sandwiches? Here: 🙂For more about Mumbai street food, or chaat, read my summary.

Mumbai veg sandwiches - geschnitten auf einem Küchenbrett - Mumbai vegetable sandwiches - cut on a chopping board

Vegetable sandwiches – a Mumbai street food classic

One of Mumbai's most common street foods & one of my favorites: vegetable Sandwiches. Very simple, very light & healthy – learn how to make veg Sandwiches.
5 from 3 votes


  • sandwich bread
  • butter
  • green chutney
  • ½ cucumber peeled & thinly sliced
  • 2 boiled potatoes thinly sliced
  • chaat masala
  • 2 tomato thinly sliced
  • 1 boiled beet root thinly sliced
  • 2 onions thinly sliced


  • Butter two slices of untoasted sandwich bread, the sides are typically cut off.
  • Now spread green chutney on one of the slices. Use as much as you like, but it is quite spicy. I suggest one teaspoon.
  • Cover it with thinly sliced cucumbers.
  • On top of the cucumber you put thinly sliced, boiled potato.
  • Add some chaat masala on top of the potatos. It contains some salt.
  • Now add thinly sliced tomato.
  • On top of that you also add masala.
  • Now add some beet slices on top of that.
  • Add onion slices, on which you also put masala.
  • Now spread another spoon of chutney on the remaining, buttered sandwich slice.
    I suggest to do this really at the end. The chutney could make the sandwich slightly soggy, so better to do so late in the process.
  • Done! The order of ingredients are according to how my favorite sandwichwala makes them 🙂 I doubt that there's a rule, just that his are pretty awesome. And it does affect the taste in which order you layer a sandwich.

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