About me

Hello, नमस्ते,

awesome that you’re visiting my site! Here, you’ll find recipes from all over the world, as authentic as possible.

I (German married to an Indian) moved to Mumbai for two years, together with my wife and our daughters. Join me in the diversity of Indian kitchen and attempts to cook Western food in India, from zero to curry!

Ich beim Strauben-Essen in einer Südtiroler Berghütte - Me eating Strauben in Alto Adige on a mountain hut

I have always been passionate about cooking and have long considered training as a chef. Out of consideration for my back, however, I decided against it; kitchens are usually much too low for me.

Alongside my job, I then used cooking for my creative side and tried to cook ever closer to the original recipe. I’m always on the lookout for new sources of authentic recipes from around the world, which can be regional blogs or very much grandma’s (or grandpa’s) recipe book, if someone wants to share that with me.

To make this sometimes tedious search easier for others, I decided to start this blog during my parental leave.

Of course, my recipes are also usually third-hand (otherwise you’d only read about variations of Sauerkraut), so inevitably small mistakes or inaccuracies can creep in from time to time. If this is the case and you notice it, perhaps because you are from the region or know it very well, I would be happy to hear from you. Feel free to post it here in the comments, on Instagram or via email.

Enjoy cooking